Thursday 17 January 2013

Day 12

So the week is nearly over and I am a little worried as tomorrow is my assistant merchandisers last day! This means I will have to work closer with my merchandisers over the next few weeks!

It has been a good day though, we had a meeting this morning and re-looking at ratio packs as a business. This is something most companies do on a regular basis as your customer does change and you have to keep then happy. It made me realise a lot about what I have seen in store and never really understood why they have done it.

I then sat with one of the buyers and kind of went over what they did and how involved I would be. The role is similar as it would be in most places but it was nice to talk to the buyer and just see what her take on the department was.
This afternoon I felt very smart! I helped the assistant merch with her spread sheets and I actually knew something she didn't! I like doing things like this as it shows them and myself I am able to do things :)
After this I sat with Amanda again and she has set me some projects to do, which looking forward too. One is to print the daily sales we get and kind of talk her through them so she knows I understand them. She then asked me to start planning some of the belts. Some of the belts are being discontinued but we still have a lot of stock, I have been asked to look at the store grading and if it was up to me, would I extend the grading if so why? I am looking forward to this as I really want to prove I am made to be a merchandiser!

The last thing is to set up a spread sheet on excel so we can keep track on markdowns and how much we spend and work out future spend, so we can plan for these. This might be a little more tricky than the others but again I would have to do it at some stage so why not start now!

Keep reading!!
Day 13 tomorrow...

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